Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Selling or Buying

For those of you who have been through an INSIGHT Selling training class, you know it starts with the concept of having a system within which we sell. In the absence of a selling system, the buyer’s system takes over. The buyer’s system, by the way, is rarely our favor.

So which is it? Are we selling, or are they buying? The answer is both. That said, the best way to turn a customer into an advocate for you and the products and services you represent is to make them feel as if they bought and weren’t sold.

How does this happen? By giving people choices and making them feel as if they are in control every step of the way.

What does it sound like?

“We haven’t met. Would it be ok if I explain why I called and you can let me know if it makes sense to keep talking?”
“Would you be comfortable letting me know what you had in mind spending to solve this problem?”
“Does it make sense for you to invite me in to present our solution to your committee?”
“Where do we go from here?”
“What would you like me to do next?”
“On a scale of 1-10, where would you say you are in terms of your interest in moving forward with us?”

People love to buy. They hate to be sold. Change your language to reflect your willingness to let your prospect be in charge and watch your numbers go up.

Call anytime for help or advice and have a great week!


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