Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Don't just JUMP!!!

When prospects say “JUMP!” it can be terribly tempting to ask “How high?” We have a need to feel helpful, smart, consultative, so we often do what is asked without thinking about the time investment we are making – OR – the return on our effort. The request for you to jump doesn’t usually sound like, “Please jump.” It often sounds like: “Can you come out and tell me more?” “Can you send a proposal?” “Can you conduct a presentation?”

When we simply do what is asked without thinking through what we need in return, we can end up confused about where we are in the sponsoring process. Have you ever had the experience of conducting a great meeting or nailing a marketing plan only to have a prospect go dark and silent when you thought they should be registering? Maybe I’m the only one that has happen to…

To avoid this problem, simply say this in return: “Let’s suppose I …..(fulfill the request you have just made), what will happen after that?” Then wait patiently while your prospect describes the process he/she will go through. Say nothing until they talk it through.

If you get an answer that satisfies your need to know that the process is actually moving forward, then great. Fulfill the request. If not, don’t commit your time, energy or effort to giving information simply for the sake of giving. Give to expect a return. Sponsoring and sales are not the place to get your altruistic needs met. Stay on track, meet your goals, and work with prospects that are serious about solving their problems. And by “serious” I mean those that are willing to spend time and money. Above all, don’t let a prospect confuse you. Get a commitment to move  forward before you invest your time. Your time is the only variable you control. Protect it well!


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