Monday, November 1, 2010

You only fail if you quit!

How many of us have "failed" in any endeavor we have taken on? I have, and not once, many times. My wife can give you nightmare stories of risks and opportunities we have pursued. But did we really fail?

Let's look at it this way. To quote a great leader, "You cannot fail at this thing, you can only give up trying" {Guy Didkott}. How true is that. Let's take when I did athletics. I was pretty good. At school I made both national teams, South Africa and Namibia. However, in my final year at High School, I quit Athletics because I lost the passion for it. But in my second year at college I took up athletics again. However, what a tough year, I didn't even make the college team, so I failed.

This is where we usually quit because we failed. We convinced ourselves that it is not working out. Or worse, someone else told us that you are not good enough. That is what happened to me. I was told that I was not good enough so why try. This however really ticked me off because I have seen what can be done, so the next year I worked hard, did double what others were doing and guess what, I qualified for the Olympics in both the 200 m and long jump.

So why do we quit in our network marketing businesses? The pain of failing is no different here than what it is in anything else we do. However, for some reason it is more accepted to quit a network marketing business then our jobs. That doesn't make sense though. When we have a job we are fighting for someone else's freedom and not our own. With network marketing we fight for our own? But we rather quit on ourselves because we "Failed". Guys, you cannot fail at Network Marketing, you can only give up fighting. How many people work 45 to 50 years at a job and then get retrenched? They actually failed because they don't have any freedom.

Remember, Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb in his first year of trying, but with every failed opportunity he said that it is just another way it is not working. So use his inspiration and just keep going.

Go BIG so you CAN go home!!!!

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