Friday, November 5, 2010

Are you leading or following?

Are you a leader or a follower? That is a very interesting question especially in the Network Marketing arena. There is also many definitions to leadership. What is your definition of leadership?

I listened to a CD recently about our target market, and while listening I heard that there are many Network Marketers out there that are so consumed about themselves and the me me me factor that they don't care about the people (downline) in their businesses. The example used was this one guy that started a new company and had 40,000 people join into the entire business. Due to governance issues they were forced to close the company down. So the question arose, what about the people? The response? "What about them?"

That is a good example of what Leadership is NOT all about. What is leadership in our eyes? It is the ability to show people with integrity how to proper and excel in their businesses, to care for their well being and to put the person ahead of the business. Network Marketing is a people's business, not a money business. Money is the result of caring about other people. My upline has adopted a great saying, "We are people helping people help themselves." - Rich de Vos.

So learn to lead people, it will really take your business to a whole new level. 

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