Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is really important in your MLM business?

To start off, it is always advisable to only be part of one MLM business. The reason is integrity. If you are part of more than one, you tend to loose focus. And if you loose focus it duplicates down to your team. Remember, you are a leader now, people downline from you will look up to you and watch what you do. Lead by example.

If you really decide to build it, commit fully. MLM works on a delayed gratification structure. Don't expect to make loads of money in the short term. Most of the time the work you put in now will only start paying off in three to four months time. So stay persistent and consistent.

Create a vibe, culture and team spirit. Socialize, have a drink with your team and focus on adding value to there lives. Remember, people join you because you add value to their lives, not because of you products or business. The business is just a vehicle. MLM is an emotional business. Get the business from your head to your heart as fast as you can.

Don't ever quit. A friend of mine who was in my downline, forgot to renew his Amway business a while ago. After reminding him, his response was, "But there is nothing happening anyway". Today, there is over 300 people in that downline that would have been in his business! I recently spoke to him again and he really became ill. He has subsequently rejoined the team, and already have a substantial business below him.

I keep saying this, and I will KEEP saying it until it hits home. MLM is a business. It is not a club or social gathering. People that really build a MLM business are in it for the long haul. If you decide to really build it, then treat it like a business, otherwise it will just be another failed opportunity in your closet in years to come!!


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