Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Following your own Sales Process

Occasionally it’s good to remind ourselves that selling is a process, not an event. Even in MLM. Really understanding the concept can help us take a lot of pressure off of ourselves, as well as our prospective clients/distributors. The more clear you are about the process that it makes sense for you to follow; the more likely you are to avoid having your time wasted by people who can’t or won’t buy/or join you.

For example, let’s suppose a prospect you are working with asks for things (e.g., information, pricing, a presentation, references) prematurely. The more focused you are on your own process, the easier it will be to redirect the prospect to a more appropriate course of action for where they are in the buying cycle.

It might sound like this:

Prospect: What you’re saying sounds good. Why don’t you send me a proposal and I’ll look it over.
You: I’d be happy to provide you more information once I get a better understanding about how the problem/scenario you described is impacting your life. I’d like to get a better understanding of your overall objectives. Does it make sense for us to get together so we can ask each other a few more questions? I’d be happy to customize a proposal after that.


Prospect: We’re in a hurry to make a decision to get started or buy a certain product. Can you come do a presentation tomorrow?
You: It’s great to hear that you are eager for the next step. Before I conduct a presentation, it’s important that I get a better understanding of what you are trying to accomplish. My intention is not to waste your time by showing you something that won’t be relevant. Would you be comfortable giving me some time so I can ask a few questions about what would be most helpful for you to see in a presentation?

By staying clear about the process you need to follow to be successful, the deals you are involved in will be much more qualified and likely to close. If a prospect won’t work with you to provide you the information you need to be most helpful to them, chances are they aren’t serious about doing business with you. A phrase to remember is “Slow things down to speed them up.” Qualified prospects will work with you at a reasonable pace.

Really spice up your sales technique, it will make a world of difference in your MLM business!! 

Dirk Smit

Friday, November 5, 2010

Are you leading or following?

Are you a leader or a follower? That is a very interesting question especially in the Network Marketing arena. There is also many definitions to leadership. What is your definition of leadership?

I listened to a CD recently about our target market, and while listening I heard that there are many Network Marketers out there that are so consumed about themselves and the me me me factor that they don't care about the people (downline) in their businesses. The example used was this one guy that started a new company and had 40,000 people join into the entire business. Due to governance issues they were forced to close the company down. So the question arose, what about the people? The response? "What about them?"

That is a good example of what Leadership is NOT all about. What is leadership in our eyes? It is the ability to show people with integrity how to proper and excel in their businesses, to care for their well being and to put the person ahead of the business. Network Marketing is a people's business, not a money business. Money is the result of caring about other people. My upline has adopted a great saying, "We are people helping people help themselves." - Rich de Vos.

So learn to lead people, it will really take your business to a whole new level. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What is really important in your MLM business?

To start off, it is always advisable to only be part of one MLM business. The reason is integrity. If you are part of more than one, you tend to loose focus. And if you loose focus it duplicates down to your team. Remember, you are a leader now, people downline from you will look up to you and watch what you do. Lead by example.

If you really decide to build it, commit fully. MLM works on a delayed gratification structure. Don't expect to make loads of money in the short term. Most of the time the work you put in now will only start paying off in three to four months time. So stay persistent and consistent.

Create a vibe, culture and team spirit. Socialize, have a drink with your team and focus on adding value to there lives. Remember, people join you because you add value to their lives, not because of you products or business. The business is just a vehicle. MLM is an emotional business. Get the business from your head to your heart as fast as you can.

Don't ever quit. A friend of mine who was in my downline, forgot to renew his Amway business a while ago. After reminding him, his response was, "But there is nothing happening anyway". Today, there is over 300 people in that downline that would have been in his business! I recently spoke to him again and he really became ill. He has subsequently rejoined the team, and already have a substantial business below him.

I keep saying this, and I will KEEP saying it until it hits home. MLM is a business. It is not a club or social gathering. People that really build a MLM business are in it for the long haul. If you decide to really build it, then treat it like a business, otherwise it will just be another failed opportunity in your closet in years to come!!


Monday, November 1, 2010

You only fail if you quit!

How many of us have "failed" in any endeavor we have taken on? I have, and not once, many times. My wife can give you nightmare stories of risks and opportunities we have pursued. But did we really fail?

Let's look at it this way. To quote a great leader, "You cannot fail at this thing, you can only give up trying" {Guy Didkott}. How true is that. Let's take when I did athletics. I was pretty good. At school I made both national teams, South Africa and Namibia. However, in my final year at High School, I quit Athletics because I lost the passion for it. But in my second year at college I took up athletics again. However, what a tough year, I didn't even make the college team, so I failed.

This is where we usually quit because we failed. We convinced ourselves that it is not working out. Or worse, someone else told us that you are not good enough. That is what happened to me. I was told that I was not good enough so why try. This however really ticked me off because I have seen what can be done, so the next year I worked hard, did double what others were doing and guess what, I qualified for the Olympics in both the 200 m and long jump.

So why do we quit in our network marketing businesses? The pain of failing is no different here than what it is in anything else we do. However, for some reason it is more accepted to quit a network marketing business then our jobs. That doesn't make sense though. When we have a job we are fighting for someone else's freedom and not our own. With network marketing we fight for our own? But we rather quit on ourselves because we "Failed". Guys, you cannot fail at Network Marketing, you can only give up fighting. How many people work 45 to 50 years at a job and then get retrenched? They actually failed because they don't have any freedom.

Remember, Thomas Edison didn't invent the light bulb in his first year of trying, but with every failed opportunity he said that it is just another way it is not working. So use his inspiration and just keep going.

Go BIG so you CAN go home!!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Omega 3 might be answer to your health challenges!

According to an *article from University of Maryland Medical Center, those suffering from Asthma, ADHD Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Depression,
Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Macular Degeneration , Menstrual Pain, Osteoporosis, Prostate Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Schizophrenia, Skin Disorders and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus should be taking high quality Omega 3. * Visit: www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/omega-3-000316.htm.

Order NUTRILITE™ Omega-3 for your family today

This convenient fish oil adult supplement supplies the polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (decosahexaenoic acid). Theses essential fatty acids cannot be manufactured in the body and must be consumed from a diet or supplementation. Essential fatty acids are important because of their roles in membrane structure and the inflammatory process and may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system. One capsule supplies 180 mg of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and 120 mg of DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid).  NUTRILITE™ Omega products are a good way to get the benefits of fish oil for those who do not eat fish daily. To Order, email dirk@dcinternational.co.za.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Stop dreaming and act!

How many times have we not day dreamed on how our life could have been? I find myself often just thinking how lovely it would be to just spend more time with my kids, take my wife on a holiday or maybe get a motorcycle and ride to nowhere. So many times, but that is where it stays. Why not act???

What do I mean by that? Well, identify what you require to be able to live a life like that. We know it is time and money, but how much do we require. But more still, how often do I require it. Well there is a way, and below is what Robert Kiyosaki says the right business is to start off with.

Don't take my word for it, take Robert's word. Network marketing has been around for over 50 years. And most companies are using this model to try and increase their sales. Coca Cola, Vodacom, Nike and even cosmetics. However, the biggest killer of any Network Marketing company is two fold. One is training and the other is generating leads. If you can have both these to your advantage, the only other variable is your desire to achieve the goals you set yourself. Remember, dreams will stay dreams unless you act!!!!

Dirk Smit

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What to do after joining a MLM business!

I believe what follows after you have signed someone into your MLM business, or if you just joined an MLM business will probably dictate up to 60% of your success. Why do I say that? Well, most people firstly think that joining an MLM business is a quick rich scheme. They truly believe that they can now sit back and the bucks will roll in. Little do they know that signing the paper and joining does not bring instant success?

Well, that is where the "Getting Started" is important. It is the responsibility of upline to ensure that you are properly enabled to go out there and do what is necessary. We believe in the formula of success:

Success = Reason x Work x Vehicle

Well if we believe in it, then we need to know what each of these variables entails. Knowing the steps to follow, what to do, how to do and when to do can fast track your business. Now we all know that people get buyer’s remorse after they actually signed up. That is where upline need to be very proactive. Get in front of your new downline fast; go through the steps of building. Get them on education, a book, CD or online program, and ensure that they have what is needed to build a big business. Education is probably the most important aspect of this type of business, DO NOT neglect it.

Learn how to generate leads. Your existing list will only go that far, then what? Well, become part of a lead generating system, for instance http://www.mlmtodiamond.com. Then, get on a recommended book program. Network 21 has a fantastic distance learning system that can help you not only in your MLM business, but also in personal development and conventional business.

So to end off, learn the business, there is some skills to be learned. Get with your upline. Most companies, large or small, have a business system they follow. If they don't, check out http://www.mlmtodiamond.com. Invest in your education. Without changing your thinking you will not change your life.

Keep it real.

Dirk Smit

Friday, October 15, 2010

Colour yourself Healthy

Plant nutrients are essential to good health. That’s why health experts
recommend eating a rainbow of different brightly-colored fruits and
vegetables every day. Unfortunately, most people don’t reach the
recommended goal of 9-13 daily servings very often – so many of us
miss out on some important health benefits.
The healthful plant nutrient compounds that make fruits and vegetables so colorful are plentiful in Nutrilite supplements. You can trust Nutrilite vitamins, minerals and supplements to fill in your daily nutritional gaps as you "color yourself healthy."

Colorful Fruits and Vegetables
are the Secret to Good Health

To be as healthy as you can be, you should try to eat every color of fruit and vegetable every day. That’s because each color contains different plant nutrients, or phytonutrients, which act as antioxidants to protect your cells and also have specific health benefits.

To read more, visit http://www.nutrilite.com/en-us/Nature/Phyto/overview.aspx

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Choosing the right business

Good morning,

Many people have looked at some kind of Network marketing or MLM business in their career. We all know this business model works, but we are mostly not sure if:

1. Does it work and will it work for me?
2. Which business is the right one?
3. How much time will it require?
4. Is the money for real?

Well what I can tell you is that it does work, but the problem is that most people think one of two things. It is a get rich quick scheme and that the guy at the top makes the most money. Well I am sorry to say, but like any conventional business out there, it takes work, hard/smart work. There is no magic formula to get past the work part. And to some degree you might be right that the guy at the top makes the money, but they had to work to get there. You can also be at the top and not make a dime. That is a discussion for another time.

Now I have been part of Amway for 5 years. Like anyone out there, I went in with a bang, thought I would round up all my friends and in two minutes I will be a Diamond. Guess what, I failed like everyone out there. I worked hard, showed many many plans, didn't miss a meeting and followed the system as we are taught by our upline sponsors. Why did I fail? I didn't work smart. I didn't use the tools that were staring me in the face. The keyword in our business is MARKETING. Not cold calling, not speak to people you don't know, but Marketing. Attract the people that you are looking for.

This is what we will be doing on this blog. Join me, follow me and lets work together to get our financial futures to where we want it, and not where other people think it should be.

Diamond Dirk